Intro Post

Divya Sikka
2 min readNov 4, 2020


Tell us a little bit about yourself! What are your hobbies? Why are you studying artificial intelligence? Anything else we should know?

My name is Divya Sikka. I am a high school sophomore from Bellevue WA. I enjoy playing volleyball and spending time with my friends.

I am studying artificial intelligence because I want to learn and understand what AI is, why it is now increasingly being used in various fields and how it impacts our lives.

What was your AI Scholars experience like? Who was your instructor and what was it like working with them? What project did you work on?

My AI Scholars experience was a great introduction to the world of AI. It was a friendly and encouraging atmosphere. My instructor was helpful, patient, and great at providing guidance as I ramped up on a new subject.

My project was on Criminal Justice, assessing existing machine bias with respect to recidivism rate, and using AI to attempt to solve these problems.

What AI topic will you be writing about in your blog? Describe your topic in detail!

My AI topic will be on COVID and mental health. COVID has impacted all of our lives. One area of impact is mental health. My blogs will try to explore the relationship between AI and covid impact on mental health.

Who is your target audience? Why should they be interested in your blog?

My target audience is anybody who is interested in AI and its application to improve our healthcare. They will learn through my blog how AI can be used to detect issues as well as provide solutions to aid mental health.

What are you hoping to achieve with your blog?

I am hoping to learn myself and educate others on providing support for better mental health. I volunteer for a crisis connection organization and am interested in exploring ways to improve how we can provide help to those in need.

Divya Sikka is a Student Ambassador in the Inspirit AI Student Ambassadors Program. Inspirit AI is a pre-collegiate enrichment program that exposes curious high school students globally to AI through live online classes. Learn more at

